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Learn How to Use TigerGraph
For IOT and Supply Chain Purposes

Join Applied Singularity, an IoT, AI and Bio Meetup Group based in India, and TigerGraph, a graph database company, for a 2-part webinar series covering why many large organizations use graph analytics for supply chain optimization and to combine IoT data sources for better insights.  

Part 1: How to Use TigerGraph for Supply Chain

The interfaces within supply chains are a textbook example of a graph use case. Many moving parts are all interfacing with each other, and it is important to understand the impact that changes to any individual aspect can have on the supply chain as a whole. Graph allows us to better understand those connections and use them to manage a supply chain more efficiently. In this webinar we will cover: 

  • An overview of graph databases and the differences from relational databases
  • Getting started with your first TigerGraph solution
  • Build your supply chain graph - design your schema, map and load your data, write basic queries

Part 2: How to use TigerGraph for IoT 

IoT devices produce a lot of data. While that information is often useful on its own, the real value comes from the combination of multiple IoT data sources to better understand a system as a whole. Graph specializes in combining multiple data sources to gain deeper knowledge than could be gleaned from any single source. In this webinar we will cover: 

  • An overview of Graph Databases and the differences from relational databases
  • Getting started with setting up a TigerGraph solution
  • Design your IoT TigerGraph solution - design your schema, map and load your data, write basic queries