Graph Gurus 38: GSQL Writing Best Practices - Part 4 Parallelization and Preprocessing

Recorded June 17, 2020

GSQL is a highly-expressive, user-friendly and Turing-complete graph query language. Although learning GSQL is relatively easy, it can be challenging for some users to know where to start when writing a query. If that feels familiar, this webinar is for you.

Handling the Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) feature of TigerGraph correctly ensures full utilization of distributed hardware resources for your analytics. Also, a good preprocessing choice can greatly improve performance and is one of the keys to real-time execution.

By watching this webinar you will:

  • Learn the MPP mechanism of TigerGraph.
  • Best practices to make the query more parallel.
  • Use cases that preprocessing is needed.
  • How to do preprocessing.


Xinyu Chang, Director of Customer Solutions, TigerGraph