
Leveraging In-app Feedback to Personalize User Experience Using AI


App store ratings provide very limited insights into customer needs. There is no information on the customer’s plan type, historical engagement, features used, etc. Without such valuable information, the analytics are restricted to broad trends without real actionable insights. There is an adverse selection problem with reviews, since users who are unhappy are more likely to leave reviews on the app store. Lastly, there are issues of fake reviews or unintended reviews that add noise to the data.

In-app ratings are a better source of information for product managers. In-App ratings are the ratings provided by the users when they are using the application and are different from the ones on the app store. There is more control over when to collect these ratings from the user based on a wide range of trigger conditions that can be pre-determined. A user can be prompted to leave a rating or a review after performing a certain task or using a specific feature inside the application. Such data can be valuable to understand the customer sentiment not just for the overall app but for specific features. Based on these insights, a product manager can help improve features that have a lower rating or promote those with a higher rating.

The in-app ratings also provide opportunities for advanced analytics. For instance, correlations can be run against plan type, duration of usage, session lengths, specific features used, etc. Such analysis can be powerful to understand what users care about on the app. A product manager can come across various trends that are not obvious by running advanced analytics. It might be hard to establish causality from strong correlations. However, such analytics provide a ground to form a hypothesis that can be further tested through various methods. In addition to advanced analytics models, in-app ratings can be used to train machine learning models. For instance, these ratings can serve as a valuable input to models that can generate a churn score. This score can be used to run targeted campaigns to retain users. Additionally, the users who provide a higher rating can be shown promotions to upsell premium offerings or establish loyalty programs. With such a wide range of benefits available from in-app ratings, product managers should definitely leverage them to better understand the user base, make impactful changes to the app, and run personalized campaigns.


  • Harish Srigiriraju, Principal Engineer at Verizon