Graph + AI In the Cloud - AWS + TigerGraph Cloud: How TigerGraph Cloud Uses AWS to Power the Scalable Graph Database-as-a-Service

Graph + AI Summit on October 13, 2021

TigerGraph Cloud uses various AWS services as the Infrastructure backend to provide customers with Database as a service offering, where AWS infrastructure and TigerGraph services are fully provisioned, managed and maintained. In this session, we will present how AWS and TigerGraph work together to provide the scalable distributed graph database-as-a-service, based on AWS. The session will go over our high-level architecture and demo TigerGraph cloud portal. In high level, a universal controller is used to integrate with Terraform templates to provision and control the full TigerGraph stack in AWS.

  • Vikram Vunduru, Partner Engineer, AWS 
  • Shuo Yang, Head of Cloud, TigerGraph